TL;DR: Controlling your travel nursing job spam has never been easier.
Get a free, private email with your StellarNurse profile that you can send to agencies without worrying about spam overload.
StellarNurse NEVER reveals your personal email address to agencies.
YOU stay in control of your email with StellarNurse.
How it works
Get a Free Private Email
Make a profile on and you'll automatically get a free, private email.
Use your Private Email with Agencies
Instead of your personal email, use your private email to shop around for jobs.
All messages sent via StellarNurse use your private email.
Feel free to sign up with 3-5 travel nursing agencies to compare jobs, knowing you can control the flow of job spam.
Receive Emails in your Personal Inbox
Agency replies are forwarded to your personal inbox without the agencies knowing anything.
Just Hit 'Reply'
Your personal email is always hidden.
Any replies you send will appear from your StellarNurse private email.
Easy to Turn On and Off
Your private email is controlled with an ON/OFF switch in your StellarNurse dashboard.
Keep your private email 'ON" while you're job-hunting.
Turn your private email 'OFF" when you're over job spam emails.
Your Personal Email is NEVER Shared by StellarNurse
All messages sent to agencies via StellarNurse appear from your private email.
You're in control of your personal information at StellarNurse.
Only you decide if want to share your personal email with anyone.
Feel free to continue using your private email.