Agencies, get Travel Nurses to come to you with no extra effort!
Frequently asked questions
- Where does StellarNurse get it's job listings?
No more manual job-posting! Our system auto-detects your agency's open jobs from public sources like Google Jobs and recommends them to eligible nurses.
- What are the fees for nurse leads?
A successful hire will only cost your agency's published Nurse Referral fee.
- What if our agency already has the nurse lead in our system?
For the time being, if we send a nurse that already exists in your system, we accept the published terms for your agency's referral bonus program. We can negotiate the fine points upon your first successful hire through StellarNurse.
- When will StellarNurse start sending nurse leads?
Any day now! Our system is live online & nurses are currently messaging agencies about jobs.
- How many nurse leads should our agency expect?
A few nurse leads per week, initially. StellarNurse is a small team startup, led by a travel nurse. We're bootstrapping and plan to grow at a sustainable pace.
- Is StellarNurse partnering with multiple agencies?
We're out to partner with all the agencies! StellarNurse aims to give nurses a full, objective overview on the travel nursing job market to highlight the best deals for their needs.
- What info will be collected on nurse leads?
Name, phone, email address, discipline, specialty, states they're licensed in, states they'd like to work in, income expectations. The intital info we send will have anonymized contact info until the nurse chooses to reveal her contact info to begin the application process.
- What are StellarNurse's sources for collecting nurse leads?
Thousands of nurses have entrusted us with their info through our website, and engaged with our posts on Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter & Tiktok.
- How does StellarNurse highlight agencies who may not pay the highest?
Besides pay, StellarNurse will highlight agencies with a large volume and variety of job offerings, have great reviews by nurses on multiple platforms, and offer useful benefits. We at StellarNurse are also looking forward to collaborating with agencies to educate travel nurses and promote the travel nursing community.
Get Nurses, today!
We bring you nurses ready to work, so you can focus on what you do best - recruiting nurses.