All the Highest-Paying travel nursing jobs in one quick search!

Never get lowballed again - cut to the chase with only the best paying & freshest travel nursing jobs from all the agencies.
Our founder, Veronica, RN, working on her laptop

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Our AI brings you the best travel nursing jobs first.

No more bait & switch – our AI brings you the best jobs first.

AI scans all the agencies' jobs around the clock. Lowball, outdated and filled offers are pre-filtered out. View only the newest & highest-paying open jobs to get a REAL overview on your best travel nursing opportunities.

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Trusted HealthStability HealthcareAdvantis MedicalTravel Nurse Across AmericaOloop Healthcare
AMN HealthcareAequor Healthcare StaffingFastaff Travel NursingCross Country Healthcare
Aya HealthcareAxis Medical StaffingNomad HealthQuality Clinicians

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Your days of being underpaid are over.

Bring evidence-based practice to your job search. Land the highest paying travel nursing jobs based on objective market overviews.

“I love all the features! I wish I had that when I was searching for my last travel nursing jobs - what a great idea!”

Lauren B. – RN, BSN
Lauren B. – RN, BSN
Kansas City, KS